Things I've Learned in My Twenty-Ninth

Hi, I'm back and Happy New Year!
I know it has been 3 weeks going since January First.
But today is also a "new year" for me.
I rarely shared my birthday in public, but I want to make this year (and future years ahead) more meaningful.
I have been thinking too long about this question from Lavendaire's Artist of Life Workbook since the day I bought it: "How would I like to celebrate my birthday this year?"
I didn't have any answer to that book until one day before my birthday, and this post is one of it.

Things that I have learned through 29 years of my life are:
  1. God is the answer for all I need.
  2. Being mindful for everything makes me feel that every single time is meaningful.
  3. Take notes, journal, write everything so I can remember.
  4. Family is my number one priority.
  5. Communication need to be opern and mindful. No hard feeling.
  6. Emphaty needs practice. It is not easy, but it is possible.
  7. Habit is a powerful thing to increase productivity.
  8. My child is my source of self control and self love.
  9. No, I don't say that I love myself because of my child. I love myself for me, because I want to give good impact and good role model for her, so she can love herself, too.
  10. By giving, we recieve more.
  11. The only thing that does not change is change itself.
  12. Invest. That is the way I can be more mindful on my personal financial.
  13. Japanese is what I currently learn intenstively.
  14. Montessori is one way of how I become a mindful parent.
  15. Di mana bumi dipijak, di sana langit dijunjung. Obey the rules as I obey my heart.
  16. Books open my eyes, mind, and heart for the world.
  17. Admit that I am also wrong sometimes. No need to always be right.
  18. Lower my voice can be so meaningful and peaceful when speak.
  19. Keep calm and talk!
  20. Always make time for things I want to do, but remember to be flexible too.
  21. Do not put expectation to other, because they cannot do the excat thing that you do. So do I. Show them, not expect!
  22. Make "home" for everything. That is how all can be neat, tidy, and organized.
  23. Do not say "I'm okay" or "No problem" if there is a problem. Talk! So it can be solved.
  24. Focus is the key to be mindful.
  25. Accept and say "thank you" first for any gifts and help from others, with no rejection.
  26. Creative needs courage to be shared and constant practice to be better within the process.
  27. By being grateful every single day, we actually already have everything we need in life.
  28. Do every task professionally, even house chores.
  29. Take approriate rest is one important action for my self care.
I do have more than twenty nine list, but by sharing this here, I want to remind myself to always make a reflection on this every single time and review it every year.
Hopefully, you can also learn something from this list.
Have blessed days ahead!


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