Initiative: Apa Itu Inisiatif?

International Office ITS adalah tempat keduaku menimba ilmu selain di bangku kuliah program magister dulu.
Dan suatu ketika di tanggal 30 Maret 2015, Facebook Volunteer IO ITS menampilkan tugas mingguan para volunteer mengenai "Initiative".
Spontan saja saya sangat tertarik dengan topik itu.
Saya mencoba untuk mengungkapkan pendapat saya mengenai apa arti inisiatif menurut saya.
Dan isinya seperti berikut ini:

Hi guys, I wanna share about this "Initiative" thing and I'm also looking forward for your testimonies.

Do you ever think about how to be Mom?
Yup! Mom is the great example of Very Initiative Person. Why? Because she cares about everything.
Mom never being told to do what she should do (especially for our daily routine).
Being initiative or proactive means being care for all things around you, even the simplest one.
If you care about the thing that is supposed to be changed or done, you'll be initiated to make it better.
And you'll love to do it without any instructions. Unconsciously, you'll also do more innovation.
I got this when I was in IO and it changed my life a lot!
One example, at the first time I joined IO, I was asked to make some SOP. Unfortunately, I didn't do it well because I didn't get any understanding of what SOP was. Then I thought I shouldn't be asked to do it. But then I realized that SOP is very very important to be done because it helps other to do anything or any roles more effectively.
Now, I'm working in a new project of a real estate company and I'm initiating to create SOPs for a good management system in my work area. It makes me care about every detail of my work.
Then, because of my initiative, I'm trusted to do bigger responsibility.
Like Elbert Hubbard, an American writer, said "Initiative is doing the right things without being told", let's do something right without waiting for any instructions to do so.

Saat saya menulis di kolom komentar Facebook grup itu, saya merasa sangat lega bisa membagikan sesuatu yang sangat berharga untuk perkembangan diri saya.
Ketika saya menulis, hal itu memotivasi saya untuk dapat melakukan hal yang telah saya tulis dengan konsisten.
Kita bisa saja menghapus apa yang telah kita tulis. Tapi kita tidak bisa menghapus apa yang ada di pikiran orang lain yang telah membaca tulisan kita.
Saya berharap, tulisan singkat itu juga dapat berguna bagi orang lain.



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